Proposed Changes to LPC Supervision in Texas!

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Big news in Supervision for Texas LPC's! 

From the Texas Counseling Association:

 "Every four years, the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors (TSBEPC) is required to completely review each rule in Chapter 681 to ensure alignment with current statutes and best practices. Limited resources as well as the transition to a new state agency and new legal teams resulted in significant delays in publishing these proposed rules as required for public comment in the Texas Register. The TSBEPC will meet in Dallas on November 14th – two days after the comment period closes – to consider adoption of these new rules."

Let's focus on two of the proposed rule changes that specifically effect LPC Supervisors and Interns: 

  • All Supervision hours can be conducted via live webcam! The current rules only allow for 50% of the supervision sessions to be conducted via live Internet webcam. The proposed rules do not stipulate between face to face or live Internet webcam, so all supervision could be completed via webcam if/when approved. If approved, this is going to offer a lot of unique opportunities for LPC Interns in Texas to receive supervision from an approved supervisor anywhere in Texas.

I’m extremely excited about this rule proposal.  Texas is a huge state, and there are many new professionals looking for an LPC Supervisor that can help them achieve their goals.  This rule would allow Interns and Supervisors to utilize technology to conduct supervision from anywhere in the state.  For example, if you live in one of the thousands of rural communities in Texas, you can now be supervised by any approved person throughout the state rather than being forced to choose a person that is local. This will also allow for supervision to occur during non-traditional working hours.

I also think it shows the counseling field moving in the direction of embracing technology.  Our field seems to be slow in utilizing technological advances, so this appears to be a sign that we are becoming more open to using technology for the enhancement of the counseling profession. 

  • The new rules also propose to remove the limit of 5 sites for LPC Interns. Based on the new rule, an intern and supervisor can submit for approval as many sites as they want.

Many times, LPC Interns don't have a full time job to collect hours towards licensure.  Instead, Interns are hustling to work in multiple treatment settings to complete hours.  This rule change would give LPC Interns the opportunity to work at as many approved sites as they can find!

Overall, the proposed rules appear to be helpful regarding the supervision process.

What do you think?

If you are interested in learning more about the proposed changes to the LPC rules, I recommend you contact TCA, or the LPC Board for clarification. Feel free to contact me with any questions as well.  As always, I'm happy to help in any way I can. 

Looking for an LPC Supervisor?

Click below to contact me for help in navigating the supervision process

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