Top 3 Tips for Creating an Awesome LPC Supervision Experience

Supervision is a long-term commitment.  You will spend 2 to 3 years together, so it’s crucial to find the right fit.  Your supervision experience can dictate the future of your career in counseling, so make sure you get the most from it.  Here are three tips to making supervision extremely valuable:


1.     Spend time with each other before committing- this is a relationship that lasts longer than some marriages!  Before committing to each other, spend time getting to know each other at a deeper level than the superficial conversation we tend to have with acquaintances.  Interns, don’t be afraid to ask questions and have some specific expectations.  You (Interns) will pay about thousands of dollars in internship fees.  For the money your are committing to this experience, make sure you are paying for high quality services. 

2.     Make sure your career goals align- for me, I knew I wanted to be in private practice from the moment I entered graduate school.  I also knew the niche market for which I was going to treat clients.  To find my supervisor, I downloaded the LPC Supervisor spreadsheet from the Texas LPC website and sorted it by city (unfortunately, you can’t do this anymore).  At the time, I lived in Austin, so I focused only on Supervisors located in Austin.  I then found a list of the LPC Supervisors in Austin that were currently operating a private practice offering treatment services in my niche preference.  Bingo!  There were a couple matches.  I contacted all the Supervisors that fit my criteria.  After hearing back from only one, I met with her in person.  It was a perfect match!  I got very lucky, but also had a focused plan.  Because I chose the right Supervisor, I now operate my own private practice in the same niche.  I learned an invaluable amount of skills (both therapeutic and business) while working with my Supervisor.  Since we shared the same goals and were aligned in our theoretical orientation, it worked perfectly.

3.     Create expectations up front- reviewing a supervision contract and outlining the expectations of both the Supervisor and the Intern will set a course for your relationship and work.  Before agreeing to supervision, both parties should be fully aware of the structure, fees, requirements, and all other expectations.  If you both start on the same page and fully understand the commitment, you are set up for success!

 Finding and creating the ultimate supervision experience is challenging.  It takes time, energy, and commitment.  Don’t settle for a mediocre experience.  Through focused effort, you can create a supervision experience that will propel the career of the Intern, as well as the Supervisor.

 Happy hunting, and I wish you the best in your work as a professional counselor.

If you are currently searching for an LPC Supervisor in Texas, feel free to contact me below. I’m happy to help answer any questions you may have.